
You need internet and a word document (Or if you're old fashioned, a pen and some paper. =D).

There will be activities that you can complete according to the listed directions

Follow the links and explore the websites. 

Have fun, and try to learn something new.

Also, if you're interested, you can play wetland Bingo.

Freshwater Marshes - Site 1

1. Differences - What is the difference between Louisiana marshes and Florida marshes?

Activity: Create a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast at least two common plants native to Louisiana marshes and two common plants native to Florida marshes.

2. Types - What type of freshwater marsh is Louisiana?

Activity: Which marsh sounds more like Louisiana? A Tidal Marsh, a Non-Tidal Marsh, or both?

3. Critters - Which animals live in freshwater marshes?

Click the link to view the picture.
Activity: Identify which of the animals in the picture are native to the area that you live in. Which if the animals have you never seen outside of a zoo?

Cypress Swamps -  Site 2

1. Orientation - What is a cypress tree and a cypress swamp?

Read about cypress trees species native to Louisiana. 

Activity: List 5 ways to identify these trees.

2. Endangerment - Why Louisiana's cypress swamps are in danger!

Listen to the podcast. The first two links lead to podcasts. Listen to both, and read the article on the second link.
View the controversial pictures on the site below.
Activity: Write a short letter about how you feel concerning the mass deforestation involving cypress trees and swamps.

3. History - Its not just about our future, its about preserving our history.

Scroll through the list and see how many trees there are that are over 200 years old. View the pictures, if there are any.
Activity: What do you think would happen to the area surrounding these elder trees if they were cut down for mulch? How would you feel?

Bottomland Hardwood - Site 3 

1. What? - What exactly are Bottomland Hardwood forests?

Activity: What does this forest have in common with Freshwater Marshes, and Cypress Swamps?

2. Saving the Barataria Preserve.

Read the article.
Activity: Leave a short comment at the bottom for the author. It doesn't have to be long, just enough to let the writer know she was heard.

3. Critters!
Activity: Explain why certain animals were removed from the area when found during the survey.

Threats: Forces against the Bottomland Hardwood Forests.

Open this pdf.file and scroll down to the Threats Effecting Habitat spreadsheet and study it for a minute.

Activity: Which threats do you thing are the most dangerous, and potentially hazardous to the habitat.

4. Create: Give back.

View this poster.

Activity: Create an original poster like this, and link it to our site or the Jean Lafitte Park site. It can be for any of the three sites, or all of the sites.

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